Canadian Mother-Child Cohort (CAMCCO) Active Surveillance 1st Team and Stakeholders Symposium
On the 20th of February, 2020, CaMCCo leading researchers met at the Mont-Royal Conference Center in beautiful Montréal, Canada, for a day of seminars and discussions. This team building event was focused on training and protocol standardization, and welcomed team leaders, their province-specific group, as well as CaMCCo stakeholders. Enjoy a few shots of our event.
- Dr Anick Bérard (UdeM, Québec)'s welcoming address
- Dr Padma Kaul (U Alberta, Alberta) présents the data available in Alberta
- Odile Sheehy, Biostatistician (Montréal), presents the Quebec Pregnancy Cohort, the model used to build the other provincial's cohort
- Stakeholders discuss during one much-needed break
- Dr. Brandy Winquist (U Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan) presents the data and the work performed in Saskatchewan
- Students and Team members listening
- PhD Candidate Elizabeth Suarez presents the Sentinel Program and the large work of data standardization
- Note taking. Always important
- Elizabeth closely listens to a questions by a Stakeholder
- Catching up during a health break
- Much laughs
- Questions help build our cohort
- Explaining the numbers available in Quebec
- Preparing the next talk.
- Iron out definitions for all provinces